I was inspired by my friend Instinct, who is jealous of my Second Amendment rights in the State of Oklahoma. So, in the style of my wife's mad photo-editing skills, this is a tribute to him:
the "Communist Party" image is actually a T-shirt design (unfortunately, I can't claim it as my own) that you can order here.
Then, there's this nifty website where you can draw anything your heart desires in the State of CA.
1. Flames - Apparently, I am offensive. I really had no idea. More people like to flame me than support me. Be forewarned, if you come trolling onto my blog, you may be deleted, banned, or simply ridiculed at my sole discretion. I will be fair in my own judgement, but that is all I guarantee.
2. Political Correctness - Please don't be politically correct here. We're all adults. Let's act like it. I have the right to say something to offend you, and you have the same right towards me. If I find your comment offensive, I will tell you why, and I expect the same from you.
3. Language - I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. If you go overboard, prison-rapper-style, potty-mouth on me, I reserve the right to delete your post. Please just use good personal judgement and excersize personal responsibility.
4. Straight-Up Offensiveness - Althought I don't condone political correctness, I also do not condone people acting like fools. I will reserve the right to put you down or delete your comment.
5. Open Mindedness - This is for fun, people. I'm not trying to single-handedly change the world, or piss you off to no end. If you find an entry offensive, I would ask you to please re-read the post, give me the benefit of the doubt, and ask yourself if you might be taking it the wrong way prior to leaving some emotionally-charged comment. Please come and read, and have fun with me.
1 comment:
Love it.
One day I'll live in a country where freedom is for all the people and not just the party officials.
Where a common worker can have the same rights as those Hollywood actors even though I am not as important as they are.
That day will be when I move out of Kalifornia. :D
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